With a call out for artists to design a slip mat, cassette inlays and CDJ / turntable skin, we asked artists to respond to the theme 'multiply' to speak out visually about their experiences of the pandemic
- winning competition designs -
"multiply" live brief by the old red bus station - march 2021

cassette designs

slip mat designs

These designs are a conceptual view of my experience with the pandemic. In both designs you can see the spreading of the virus between the characters I have drawn. The image of the person with two faces that repeats in both designs was a character I came up with over lockdown and ended up spending a lot of time drawing and developing.
These designs depict the nature of how a virus spreads as well as my own experience with self reflection throughout the lockdowns. Having spent a lot of time by myself in my room I find myself looking to my own physical reflection for company as well as having the time to be reflective of other aspects of my life, personality, boundaries and values. The nature of these illustrations are quite confusing and can be hard to decipher. This illustration style was one I developed during the pandemic and I think it reflects the confusing nature of the last 10 months.